Oct 16, 2013

Ghost Brothers of Darkland County

Once again at the amazing Ryman for the collaboration musical of John Mellencamp and Steven King

Oct 3, 2013

Aug 8, 2013


Really....is this really August?  We didn't get near this much water in the last flood.  What the heck?

Jul 21, 2013

Mar 25, 2013

Mar 20, 2013

Home, work, therapy...seems to be our life these days.  Thank heavens for Ruth, my physical therapist.  She is absolutely fantastic!  I wouldn't be anywhere near where I am at without her.  Between my husband, my kids and my therapist, I am well take care of:)

Mar 15, 2013

Old Hippie with a New Hip

This isn't my xray, but it is real close to what mine looks like.  Jeff was going to ask if he could take a picture of my xray but the doctors ipad was almost out of battery.  Anyway, this is real similar, including the two screws at the top of the socket to hold it in place.  It is titanium with a ceramic ball and some kind of plastic inside the socket which is pourous titanium as is the shaft.  Pretty snazzy if you ask me:)