Feb 23, 2015

Feb 21, 2015

Still slick

Okay the snow and ice were supposed to be gone by mid morning.  We got back from the grocery store after noon and it is slicker than ever!  Also it has rained ALL day!


I don't know if you can judge the size of this but I would guess at least 4 ft

Feb 16, 2015

Valentine's Day flowers

Nothing like beautiful fresh flowers to brighten up a room.  Especially when it is freezing rain outside with about an inch of ice on everything

Feb 14, 2015


Happy Valentine's Day to my best friend, my love, and keeper of my heart.  You make my life a dream come true.  I love every day with you.


My sweet valentine made me a chocolate low cal valentine.  How sweet is that!  He knows cake is my weakness and I got to have some guilt free!

Feb 8, 2015

Kinky Boots

Fantastic Play!  This is the first one this year we have really really enjoyed.  It was a fantastic evening ending with dinner at Maggiano's.  Great time with my hubby:)