Jul 29, 2012

Keeping Watch

Mystic spends her days keeping watch for that errant leaf flutter.  This weekend she has help as her oldest friend Tara is here for a visit. 

Jul 27, 2012

Nap Time

We have a welcome visitor!  Tara...Mystics oldest friend...taking a little nap

Jul 21, 2012

Chicken Dance

Okay, so we go to Kroger nearly every Saturday morning to get our groceries for the week.  I always feel kind of bad for the people hawking samples along the isles.  I really don't want to taste the new cracker flavor or low calerie juice., etc., etc.  This week there was a table set up with samples of rotisserie chicken.  Well, my husband politely turned down a sample and the lady pushing samples looked hopefully at me to I said that sure, I would take a sample.  She smiled and said that they were also having a chicken contest and I could fill out this form to put my name in the next drawning.  I quickly filled out my name and we moved on to the next isle.  Halfway through the store we hear an announcement over the loud speaker.  Marla Green has won a free chicken.   I quickly went through the store to the deli counter to claim my prize chicken...trying to remain incognito in case this drew some kind of cheering crowd or something.  There was not a crowd...just all the deli workers who promptly started humming the chicken dance and goaded the sample hawker into doing the chicken dance. 

Jul 20, 2012

Lee Company is the bomb

We were sure we were going to have a really bad day when we woke after a stormy night to our FOURTH  fried tankless water heater.  Then Lee Company came to the rescue and installed this shiney new one...ran new gas line, installed new electrical outlet, plugged holes,  rerouted the plumbing...all on their dime!  We officially love Lee Company!!

Jul 9, 2012

Birthday surprise

Red velvet...so good

Perfect gift!

My perfect gift from my sweet husband.. an entire day of not having to decide anything. Starting with breakfast in bed, lunch and a great play, my favorite dinner and red velvet cake made fat free from scratch..yum.  I am so lucky to have such a wonderful husband that gets me:) 

Jul 1, 2012

Is this really Tennessee??


Maddie guarding her "babies". They are little sheep that have been drug outside, buried, washed in bleach more than once to kill the germs and pungent odor, and they are still around...yea

So not cool